Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year, New Game

Wow! It has been a while...We've done some fun stuff in gym and I will get around to posting those fun activities, but for now I will share with you the "new" game we played the other day. Returning from Christmas Break often means reviewing, assessing and getting ready for conferences, and I love it when gym can coordinate with what is being done in the class! Today I put a twist on a favorite, gave it a new name and...viola - Smarty Pants was born (which is a hilarious name if you are of preschool age).

Much like my Trash Day game, I put a pile of items in the middle of the gym


Then on "go" the kids sorted the items based on if it was a...



or Shape

The great thing about this game, is you can adapt it for Pre-3's all the way up to Pre-K. The older classes had to take it a step further and sort the shapes into stars, circles and squares. The youngest class sorted just the shapes.

A few important things to note - before we started playing we reviewed our letters, numbers and shapes, and a sample was put in each hoop before the game started.

Happy New Year!